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Download Vadda Grewal Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Amli Boyfriend (Vadda Grewal)
2. Sanjay Dutt (Vadda Grewal and Deepak Dhillon)
3. Truck vs Wife (Vadda Grewal)
4. Fly Fly Kabootri (Vadda Grewal)
5. Tension Free (Vadda Grewal)
6. Sanjay Dutt (Vadda Grewal)
7. Pind De Munde (Vadda Grewal)
8. Sniff (Vadda Grewal)
9. Goli Feem Di (Vadda Grewal)
10. Indigator (Vadda Grewal)
11. Nasha Patta (Vadda Grewal)
12. Nagni (Vadda Grewal and Deepak Dhillon)
13. Nagni 2 (Vadda Grewal)
14. Kaali Kaali Gaddi (Vadda Grewal) [R]
15. Yaaran Di Jugni (Vadda Grewal and Flop Likhari)
16. Dode (Vadda Grewal)
17. Kartoos Anthem (Elly Mangat and Vadda Grewal) [R]
18. Dard Viah Da (Vadda Grewal and Deepak Dhillon)
19. Kami Reh Gayi (Vadda Grewal) [R]
20. Babbu Maan (Vadda Grewal) [R]

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