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Download Teji Sarao Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Forehead (Rupinder Handa)
2. The Real Men (Gopi Waraich and Tarsem Jassar)
3. 26 nu Dilhi (Rupinder Handa) [R]
4. Lalkare (Akaal) [R]
5. Trusted Jatti (Jassi Sohal)
6. Overspeed (Anmol Gagan Maan and Garry Atwal) [R]
7. Deadly Eyes (Gopi Waraich and Tarsem Jassar)
8. Hype (Salina Shelly) [R]
9. Tere Shehar Diyan (Gopi Waraich)
10. Brood Warga (Gopi Waraich)
11. Putt Sardaran De (Ajit Singh)
12. Rich Standard (Inder Kaur)
13. LV Da Bag (Teji Sarao and Heer)
14. Ohi Billo Ohi (Gopi Waraich)
15. Gun De Brand (G Sandhu)
16. Gaddi Phullan Aali (Jatinder Dhiman) [R]
17. Villager Kingz (Prince Saggu)
18. Good N Bad (Gopi Waraich and Tarsem Jassar)
19. Chadh Di Umre (Gopi Waraich)
20. Gaza Kid (Gopi Waraich)

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