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Download Sukhe Muzical Doctorz Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Suicide (Sukhe Muzical Doctorz) [R]
2. Coka (Sukhe Muzical Doctorz) [R]
3. Jaguar (Sukhe Muzical Doctorz and Bohemia)
4. I Need Ya (Sukhe Muzical Doctorz) [R]
5. California (Nishawn Bhullar and Priya) [R]
6. All Black (Raftaar and Sukhe Muzical Doctorz )
7. Sheesha (Avi J)
8. 20 Saal (Kambi) [R]
9. Attitude (Harry Singh and Sukhe Muzical Doctorz) [R]
10. Dard-E-Dil (Musahib and Sukhe Muzical Doctorz)
11. Hun Keh Fukra (Kambi)
12. Yaari (Sukhe Muzical Doctorz)
13. Sniper (Sukhe Muzical Doctorz and Raftaar)
14. Brakefail (Harnav Brar) [R]
15. Taap (Gurjazz) [R]
16. Dil Todte (Avvy Sra) [R]
17. Aish Karda (Sukhe Muzical Doctorz and Shrey Sean) [R]
18. Jatt Sawla (Sukhe Muzical Doctorz) [R]
19. Dope Nakhra (Sam Sandhu, Sukhe Muzical Doctorz, AB Rockstar and others...) [R]
20. Munda Pattya (Nishawn Bhullar and Sukhe Muzical Doctorz)

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