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Download Sidhu Sukh Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Adha Pind (Gurj Sidhu and Sukh Sandhua) [R]
2. Munda Like Karda (Gurj Sidhu) [R]
3. Chitta (Manmohan Sidhu and Sukhbir Sandhu)
4. Koke (Deep Sidhu and Byg Byrd) [R]
5. No Ishhu (Guru Sidhu and Sukh Lotey)
6. BA Pass (Manmohan Sidhu and Sukhbir Sandhu)
7. Sarpanchi (Manmohan Sidhu and Sukhbeer Sandhu)
8. Chandigarh Ne Vegarti (Grudeep Sidhu and Sukhjeet Gurusar )
9. Mr Jatt (Manmohan Sidhu and Sukhbir Sandhu)
10. Punjab (Sidhu Sukhdev)
11. Kurta Pajama (Manmohan Sidhu and Sukhbir Sandhu)
12. Udaariyan (Sidhu Sukhdev)
13. Ghuggiye (Dolly Sidhu and Sukhi Digoh)
14. Picca Ford (Sidhu Sukh) [R]

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