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Download Pretty Bhullar Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

Pretty Bhullar top 20 song mp3, Pretty Bhullar top 20 songs djpunjab, Pretty Bhullar tops ongs mp3 download Pretty Bhullar top songs, Pretty Bhullar best 20 songs, Pretty Bhullar hit song, Pretty Bhullar best songs download, Pretty Bhullar hit songs list, Pretty Bhullar top 20 song download, Pretty Bhullar best song, Pretty Bhullar hit Mp3 songs free download
1. Chandigarh Police (Pretty Bhullar) [R]
2. Mashup Remix (Deep Kahlon and Mankirt Aulakh) [R]
3. Mankirt Aulakh Smashup (Mankirt Aulakh) [R]
4. England (Mankirt Aulakh) [R]
5. Ignore (Harjot) [R]
6. Kundiyan Muchaan (Sandy Sandhu and Gurwinder Dalam) [R]
7. Katad Fans Of Babbu Maan (Pretty Bhullar )
8. Repeat Gedi (Pretty Bhullar and LOC) [R]
9. Sceam (Pretty Bhullar)
10. Katad Fans Of Babbu Maan (Pretty Bhullar)
11. One Fifty (Pretty Bhullar and Nawab) [R]
12. Trace,Pretty Bhullar (Cali Jass)
13. Hot (Pretty Bhullar) [R]
14. Barood Yaar (Pretty Bhullar) [R]
15. Ankhi Bande (Katani Mangat and Pretty Bhullar)
16. Spend Life (Pretty Bhullar) [R]
17. Madness (Pretty Bhullar) [R]
18. Double Meaning (Pretty Bhullar) [R]
19. Pusu (Bass Mix) (Pretty Bhullar )
20. Repeat Gedi TrapMix (Pretty Bhullar and LOC) [R]

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