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Download Prabhjit Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Pyar (Prabhjit Singh)
2. Deedar (Shafqat Amanat Ali)
3. Tera Deedar (Singh Prabhjit & Northern Lights )
4. Pange (Prabhjit Singh)
5. History Makers The Soorme (Singh Prabhjit and Mista Baaz)
6. Bappu VS Vehla Munda (Happy Sultaan and Prabhjit Singh)
7. Pyar Kar Ley (Prabhjit Singh)
8. Maula (Singh Prabhjit)
9. Miss Call (Singh Prabhjit)
10. Khayal (Prabhjit Singh)
11. Mircha (Prabhjit)
12. Jaa Ni Ja (Prabhjit Singh)
13. History Makers The Soorme (Singh Prabhjit and Mista Baaz )
14. Goriye (Prabhjit Singh)
15. Daane (Singh Prabhjit )
16. Daru (Prabhjit)
17. Daaru (Prabhjit Singh)
18. Do Pal (Singh Prabhjit)
19. Mele Nu (Prabhjit Singh)
20. Maula (Singh Prabhjit)

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