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Download Mr Lovees Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Hoor (Miss Pooja) [R]
2. Munda Darda (Mani Sharan)
3. Tequila (Whistle) [R]
4. 42 Parche (Ranjit Rana) [R]
5. Valentine Anthem (George Sidhu)
6. Sher Marna 2 (Amar Ferozpuria)
7. Munda Darda 2 (Mani Sharan)
8. Gangster Yaar (Sarpanch)
9. Machine Gun (Deep Sidhu and Whistle) [R]
10. Tribute to Legends (Inqlab Pannu, Kay-Pee, Mr Lovees and others...)
11. Valentine's (Mr Lovees)
12. Gal Hor Si (Kashish Puri)
13. Red Light Ft Mr. Lovees (M Deep)
14. Bappu (Garry Deol) [R]
15. Red Light (Ft. Mr.Lovees) (M Deep)
16. Desi Desi Ft. Mr Lovees (Sukh Narang)
17. Warning (Navi Randhawa)
18. Heartless (Harry Rai) [R]
19. Password Tere Naa da- ft Mr Lovees (Bhinda Bawakhel)
20. Geetkar (Ft. Mr Lovees) (Bhinda Bawakhel )

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Tags:- Top 20 Mr Lovees Songs , Top 20 Mr Lovees Album Free, Mr Lovees All mp3 Songs DjPunjab

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