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Download Mohabbat Brar Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Mera Rang Sanwla (Mohabbat Brar) [R]
2. Waardat (Mohabbat Brar) [R]
3. Scan (Mohabbat Brar and Singga) [R]
4. Life (Mohabbat Brar and Gurlez Akhtar) [R]
5. Bebe Bapu (Mohabbat Brar) [R]
6. Pistol Rakhda (Mohabbat Brar and Gurlez Akhtar)
7. Bebe Bapu (Mohabbat Brar and Daljit Chitti)
8. Hathan Wicho Bahar (Mohabbat Brar) [R]
9. Laal Churha (Mohabbat Brar)
10. ECG (Mohabbat Brar)
11. Pagal Premi (Mohabbat Brar) [R]
12. Pg De Gwand (Mohabbat Brar)
13. Fire Kaddey (Mohabbat Brar)

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