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Download Manjit Sohi Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Eagle Eye (H Jheeta and Manjit Sohi)
2. Badla Bonus Track (Highflyers and Manjit Sohi)
3. Gabru (Manjit Sohi)
4. Saari Raat (feat. Manjit Sohi) (DJ Raj)
5. Uche Heel (Harjeet and Manjit Sohi )
6. Modha Maarke- Manjit Sohi (Dj Jassi)
7. Jawani (Manjit Sohi)
8. Gabru (Manjit Sohi and Intense)
9. Sharabi Ft Manjit Sohi (Dj Rags )
10. Jawani- Manjit Sohi (Dj Jassi)
11. Pasand (Dav Virsa)
12. Moda Maar Ke (Bonus) (Manjit Sohi)

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