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Download Jasdeep Grewal Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Old is Gold (Jasdeep Grewal) [R]
2. Modhhey Te Bandook (Jasdeep Grewal)
3. Wajde Salute La Ke Chamkila (Jass Dhaliwal, Nimrat Khaira, Jasdeep Grewal and others...)
4. La Ke Chamkila (Jasdeep Grewal and Jass Dhaliwal)
5. Ashquie (Jasdeep Grewal)
6. Ghagri Te Morni (Jasdeep Grewal)
7. Tehravn Gerha (Jasdeep Grewal)
8. Oh Pind Mitran Da (Jasdeep Grewal)
9. Sunni Gali (Jasdeep Grewal)
10. Chonki Wale (Jasdeep Grewal)
11. Rano (Jasdeep Grewal)
12. Boliyan Pavange (Jasdeep Grewal)
13. Akhian Ne (Jasdeep Grewal)
14. Jawanian (Jasdeep Grewal)
15. Pinda Ale (Jasdeep Grewal)
16. Vajda-E-Dhol (Jasdeep Grewal)
17. Munda Pind Da (Jasdeep Grewal)
18. Jhanjran Wali (Jasdeep Grewal)
19. Daaru (Jasdeep Grewal)
20. Saun Vich (Jasdeep Grewal)

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