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Download Ishq Bector Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Sifar (Ishq Bector)
2. Karle Gunaah (Ishq Bector)
3. Jawani X3 (Sikander Kahlon and Ishq Bector) [R]
4. Mere Siva (Remix) (Ishq Bector)
5. Pyar Mein (Ishq Bector)
6. Sifar (Remix) (Ishq Bector)
7. Sifar (Bonus Acapella) (Ishq Bector)
8. Happy Singh (Ishq Bector)
9. Hey Dj (Ishq Bector)
10. Saali Mirch (Ishq Bector)
11. Saali Bitch (Ishq Bector)
12. Mere Siva (Ishq Bector)
13. Happy Singh (Bonus Acapella) (Ishq Bector)
14. Talli Galli (Remix) (Ishq Bector)
15. Salli Bitch (Suketu Remix) (Ishq Bector)
16. Saali Bitch (Bonus Acapella) (Ishq Bector)
17. Party Girl (Ishq Bector )
18. Hey Dj (Remix) (Ishq Bector)
19. Talli Galli (Bonus Acapella) (Ishq Bector)
20. Talli Galli (Ishq Bector)

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