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Download Gurveer Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Garari (Gurveer Sidhu and Aman Virk)
2. Dheeyan (Gurveer Sidhu)
3. Jija Sali (Gurveer Sidhu)
4. Botal (Gurveer Sidhu)
5. Ford (Gurveer Sidhu)
6. Pind Wali Bus (Gurveer Sidhu)
7. Din Teeyan Warga (Gurveer Sidhu)
8. Tu VI Ni Blaunda (Gurveer Sidhu)
9. Gali Vich Gera (Gurveer Sidhu)
10. Yaraane (Gurveer Sidhu)
11. Laawan (Gurveer Sidhu)
12. Tutan Wala Khuh (Gurveer Sidhu)
13. Kabutarbazi (Gurveer Singh)
14. Heer (Gurveer Sidhu)
15. Pattian (Gurveer Sidhu)
16. Duniya (Gurveer Sidhu)
17. Charkha (Gurveer Sidhu)
18. Maavan (Gurveer Sidhu)
19. Sonalika (Gurveer Sidhu)
20. Nanke (Gurveer Sidhu)

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Tags:- Top 20 Gurveer Songs , Top 20 Gurveer Album Free, Gurveer All mp3 Songs DjPunjab

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