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Download Gopi Rai Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Haal E Dil (G Sarewal and Gopi Rai)
2. Munde Patran De (S Sukhveer and Gopi Rai)
3. 32 Bore (Ranjit Rai and Gopi Rai)
4. 32 Bore (Ranjit Rai and Gopi Rai)
5. Never Again (Gopi Raikoti) [R]
6. Supna (Chhinder Rai and Gopi Rai)
7. Leader Te Babe (Samar and Gopi Rai) [R]
8. Forty 7 (Samar Ft. Gopi Rai)
9. Parakh (PS Rai and Gopi Rai)
10. Aam Aadmi (Ranjit Rai Feat Gopi Rai)
11. Never Again (Gopi Raikoti)
12. Desi Jatt (Ranjit Rai and Gopi Rai)
13. Kabildariya (Samar and Gopi Rai)

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