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Download Gippy Grewal Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Nagni (Gippy Grewal)
2. Mulahjedaariyan (Gippy Grewal)
3. Hathyar (Gippy Grewal)
4. Zamanta (Gippy Grewal)
5. Hik (Gippy Grewal)
6. Oscar (Gippy Grewal and Badshah)
7. Chann (Gippy Grewal)
8. Phulkari (Gippy Grewal)
9. Jhanjhar (Gippy Grewal)
10. Fark (Gippy Grewal) [R]
11. Ashke (Gippy Grewal) [R]
12. Flower (Gippy Grewal)
13. 2 Seater (Gippy Grewal and Afsana Khan)
14. Zindagi (Rahat Fateh Ali Khan)
15. Ardaas Sarbat De Bhale Di - Title Track (Nachattar Gill)
16. Adhiye Da Nasha (Gippy Grewal)
17. Jatti (Ammy Virk and Gippy Grewal) [R]
18. Haye O Dila (Jordan Sandhu)
19. Ghar Di Sharaab (Gippy Grewal)
20. Flower (Gippy Grewal)

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