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Download Gavy Sidhu Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Chakkar Anokhe (Manpreet) [R]
2. Ratan Nu (Gagan Sidhu)
3. Ghaint Jehi Much (Deepak Dhillon) [R]
4. Na Ve Sajna (Heer)
5. 7 Band (Heera Judge) [R]
6. Purana Gunda (Jay Kay, Leopard, Gavy Sidhu and others...)
7. Pride (Ryan)
8. Dum Dum (Kawela) (Manraj Patar) [R]
9. 365 (Kalakar) [R]
10. Pyar Naal (Tari Sanana) [R]
11. Pani Te Kudiyan (Baldeep Brar)
12. 365 (Kalakaar)
13. Dhurali Tournament (Harmel Singh and Gavy Sidhu)
14. Yaar Star (Ryan)
15. Paani Te Kudian (Baldeep Brar and Gavy Sidhu)
16. Betrayed Ft Gavy Sidhu (Paul B)
17. Laare (Sandy Brar and Gavy Sidhu)
18. Chandigarh Jhona (Pargat Brar)
19. Tod Jande Yaarian (Ryan) [R]
20. Nain (Jeet Kanwal)

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