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Download Dj AJ 916 Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Tik Tok (Dj AJ 916)
2. Maa da Ladla (Dj AJ 916)
3. Paisa (Dj AJ 916)
4. Drop (Dj AJ 916)
5. Boliyan Remix (Dj AJ 916)
6. Small Town Girl (Dj AJ 916)
7. Ayo (Technology Remix) (Dj AJ 916)
8. Different Girls (Dj AJ 916)
9. Bewaffa (Club Mix) (Dj AJ 916)
10. Wangan Di Lollipop (Dj AJ 916)
11. Sher Punjabi (Dj AJ 916)
12. Yarrian (Dj AJ 916)
13. Sharaab (Dj AJ 916)
14. Blaim It On The Jatt (Dj AJ 916)
15. The Way I Khoo (Dj AJ 916)
16. Furr (Techno Remix) (Dj AJ 916)
17. Love Mera (Dj AJ 916)
18. Kothee Chadd (Dj AJ 916)

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Tags:- Top 20 Dj AJ 916 Songs , Top 20 Dj AJ 916 Album Free, Dj AJ 916 All mp3 Songs DjPunjab

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