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Download Deep Brar Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Char Din (Kulwinder Billa and Sandeep Brar)
2. Jaan Waleya (Sandeep Brar)
3. Yaaran Naal Yari (Sandeep Brar and Kulwinder Billa) [R]
4. Bullet Di Seat (Deep Brar )
5. Hathkadiyan (Barbie Maan and Only Sandeep Brar)
6. Andar Waseya Nanka (Baldeep Brar and Shivjot)
7. Step Cut (Sandeep Brar)
8. Asin Pindan Aaley (Gurlez Akhtar and Sandeep Brar)
9. Munda Namkeen (Sandeep Brar and Shivjot)
10. Rich Hood (Sandeep Brar)
11. Chakwein Bande (Sandeep Brar) [R]
12. Cross Parcha (Gurlez Akhtar and Sandeep Brar)
13. Daru Peene An (Sandeep Brar) [R]
14. Classic Jatti (Sandeep Brar)
15. Jatt Di Class (Sandeep Brar)
16. Demanda (Mandeep Brar and Deepak Dhillon)
17. Pachdi Ni (Gurlej Akhtar and Sandeep Brar)
18. Munda Namkeen (Sandeep Brar)
19. Pink Pink (Sandeep Brar)
20. Friend, s Forever (Mandeep Brar)

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