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Download Deep Bal Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Freaky Jatt (ft. Deep Bal) (Mohammad Sadiq )
2. Canada Wal Muh Karke (Harry Dhanoa)
3. Deewana - (ft. Bohemia) (Deep Bal)
4. Brown ft Yo Yo (Deep Bal)
5. Aja Ni (ft. J Star) (Deep Bal)
6. Deewana ft Bohemia (Deep Bal)
7. Junoon (Deep Bal)
8. Sharabi Mahiyia Ft.Rani Randeep (Baljit Malwa)
9. Mohabbat (ft. Jaz Dhami & RocAKhela) (Deep Bal)
10. Gal Sun (ft. Deep Bal) (Amar Sandhu )
11. Pu (Punjab University) (Mandeep Bal)
12. Go Away (Deep Bal)
13. Gal Sun (Amar Sandhu and Deep Bal)
14. Sher Punjabio Ft.Rani Randeep (Baljit Malwa)
15. Freaky Jatt (Mohammad Sadiq and Deep Bal)
16. Awaaz ft Debi Maksoospuri (Deep Bal)
17. The Message(Intro) (Deep Bal)
18. Mohabbat ft Jaz Dhami (Deep Bal)
19. Brown (ft. Honey Singh) (Deep Bal)
20. Vodka ft Yo Yo (Deep Bal)

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Tags:- Top 20 Deep Bal Songs , Top 20 Deep Bal Album Free, Deep Bal All mp3 Songs DjPunjab

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