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Download Bunny Gill Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Label Black (Gupz Sehra)
2. Jatta (Bunny Gill)
3. Jatta (Bunny Gill)
4. Kaali (Bunny Gill and Chani Nattan)
5. Area (Bunny Gill) [R]
6. Soldier (Bunny Gill and Channi Nattan)
7. Roose (Bunny Gill) [R]
8. Jatt Sirra (Upkar Sandhu)
9. Tede Pose (Avi Basra)
10. Surrey Diyan Streetan (Bunny Gill) [R]
11. SURMA (Bunny Gill)
12. HOW COULD YOU (Bunny Gill)
13. Sardari (Bunny Gill) [R]
14. Round (Bunny Gill) [R]
15. SIRRA (Bunny Gill)
16. EGO END (Bunny Gill)
17. Pher Kehna (Gupz Sehra) [R]
18. MILLIONS (Bunny Gill)

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