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Download Anker Deol Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Kharku Love (Bikka Sandhu)
2. Diwali (B Karm Khazala and Elly Mangat) [R]
3. Yaariyan (Amantej Hundal)
4. Taur (Amantej Hundal)
5. Brief (Zehr Vibe)
6. Tere Karke (Zehr Vibe)
7. Secret (Zehr Vibe)
8. Annoyed (Zehr Vibe)
9. Tearem Up (Amantej Hundal)
10. Still Standing (Amantej Hundal)
11. Under My Sole (Zehr Vibe)
12. Pehli Haak (Zehr Vibe)
13. If U Know and U Know (Amantej Hundal)
14. Chronic (Elly Mangat and Paul G) [R]
15. Encounter (Bikka Sandhu)
16. Toronto Waliye (Amantej Hundal)
17. Dil Mangeya (Amantej Hundal)
18. Photo (Bikka Sandhu)
19. Putt Jattan Da (Anker Deol)
20. Pinda Aale (Elly Mangat and Amantej Hundal) [R]

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