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Download Amar Arshi Top 20 Songs DjPunjab

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1. Rangli Kothi (Amar Arshi)
2. Pehli Mulakat (Amar Arshi)
3. Mithe Ber Wargi (Amar Arshi)
4. Chherhi Na (Amar Arshi)
5. Mulakataan (Amar Arshi)
6. Reshmi Rumal Wargi (Amar Arshi)
7. Mitthe Ber Wargi (Amar Arshi)
8. Mulakataan (Amar Arshi)
9. Din Vichdan De (Amar Arshi)
10. Hai O Rabba (Amar Arshi)
11. Aaja Ni Aaja (AK and Amar Arshi)
12. Badarde Tutti Yaari De (Amar Arshi)
13. Secret Love (Sudesh Kumari and Amar Arshi) [R]
14. Rangli Kothi (Amar Arshi)
15. Pehli Mulakat (Amar Arshi)
16. College Vich (Amar Arshi)
17. Kadh Ke Kalja Lai Gayi (Amar Arshi)
18. AK 47 (Amar Arshi and Gurlej Akhtar)
19. Seetiyan (Amar Arshi)
20. Sapera (Amar Arshi)

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